
'DILBAR | Fitness Dance | Satyameva Jayate | John Abraham, Nora Fatehi, Tanishk Bagchi, Neha Kakkar'

'DILBAR | Fitness Dance | Satyameva Jayate | John Abraham, Nora Fatehi, Tanishk Bagchi, Neha Kakkar'

'Bollywood Workout at its best! All you lovely people watching this video, please know that this is not Dance, but Fitness inspired by dance and Bollywood.  P.S. There are no squats in this video. There is a step which looks like it. Feel free to go for sumo squats in that one if you are not prone to knee problems; otherwise change the step and add your own swag!' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , Dance , ZUMBA , bollywood , John , Neha , nora , abraham , dilbar , Tanishk , jayate , satyameva , Kakkar , Bagchi , fatehi

SEE ALSO: weight loss workout , bodyweight , flexing , alt , glute workout.. , खेत� 19 , couples workout , let , christi , taimur ali khan

May 4, 2022
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